Od građana-novinara do ’preduzetnika zavere’: mračni preokret digitalne participacije*

Naša gošća u projektu NEZAVERENI u BG i L.A. /dekonstrukcija teorija zavere i lažnih vesti, biće profesorka Melisa Vol iz Los Anđelesa. Ona će održati prezentaciju koja prati evoluciju participacije u digitalnim medijima od obećavajućeg demokratizma Indimedija (Independent Media Center, IMC) krajem XX veka do kooptacije participacije od strane korporacijskih platformi i profesionalnih novinskih izdanja. Participacija je sve više postajala smatrana za prikrivenu, tajanstvenu praksu („dark activity“) koja širi dezinformacije i mržnju. Danas su među istaknutim oblicima „dark“ participacije on-line šeme oglašavanja za prodaju teorija zavere kao ideja, identiteta i robe, obezbeđujući za najistaknutije prodavce vrlo isplative biznise.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81210152301?pwd=Qm80OUNETVZscWNEYVE4R1Z5RURJUT09
Dr Vol je profesor novinarstva na Državnom univerzitetu Kalifornije – Nortridž. Autorka je tri knjige, najnovija je „Građansko novinarstvo: praksa, propaganda i pedagogija“ (Routledge) i većeg broja poglavlja i članaka o građanskom novinarstvu. Osnovala je Pop Up Newsroom, međunarodni projekat izveštavanja za studente novinarstva i bila Fulbrajt stipendista u Libanu, stipendista Fonda za otvoreno društvo u Ukrajini i Instituta za studije interneta u Berglundu. Njene fotografije su objavile brojne novinske kuće i pojavljuju se kao omot za knjigu Al-Kitaab Fii Ta'Allum Al-'Arabiiyya (Georgetown University Press); Moral Panics, (Blackwell Publishing); i From Act-up to the WTO; urban protest and community building in the era of globalization (Verso Press). Studirala je tehnike slovoslaganja (handset type technology) i visoke štampe (leterpress printing) u Armori centru za umetnost (Armory Center for the Arts) u Pasadeni, Kalifornija.
Predavanje će biti uvod u desetodnevni boravak Melise Vol u Beogradu gde će sa umetnicom Bronvin Moldin (Bronwyn Mauldin) realizovati umetničko istraživanje i projekat.
*Termin digitalna participacija označava aktivno učešće u digitalnom društvu kroz upotrebu moderne informacione i komunikacione tehnologje (ICT) kao što je Internet. Ovo učešće uključuje pristup ne samo Internetu nego i raznim on-line servisima i sadržajima.
Projekat “NEZAVERENI u BG i LA – Dekonstrukcija teorija zavere i lažnih vesti“, realizuje se u Kulturnom centru Rex / Fondu b92 uz podršku Ambasade SAD u Beogradu
From citizen journalists to ‘conspiracy entrepreneurs’: the dark turn of digital participation*
Online talk with Dr. Melissa Wall
Professor Melissa Wall will give a presentation that traces the evolution of digital media participation from the democratic promise of the late 20th century Independent Media Center (IMC) movement to the cooption of participation by corporate platforms and by professional news outlets. Increasingly, participation has been called a “dark” activity, spreading disinformation and hate. Among the prominent forms of dark participation today are online marketing schemes to sell conspiracy theories as ideas, identities and merchandise, generating for the most prominent sellers a highly lucrative business.
Dr. Wall is a professor of journalism at California State University - Northridge and has written three books, most recently Citizen Journalism: Practices, Propaganda and Pedagogy (Routledge) and dozens of chapters and articles on citizen journalism. She founded the Pop Up Newsroom, an international reporting project for journalism students and has been a Fulbright Scholar to Lebanon, an Open Society Fellow to Ukraine and a Berglund Institute for Internet Studies scholar. Her photographs have been published by numerous news outlets and appear as the cover for the book Al-Kitaab Fii Ta'Allum Al-'Arabiiyya, Georgetown University Press; Moral Panics, Blackwell Publishing; and From Act-up to the WTO; urban protest and community building in the era of globalization, Verso Press. She studied handset type techniques and letterpress printing at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, California.
*The term digital participation refers to the active involvement in digital society through the use of modern information and communication technology (ICT), such as the Internet. This participation includes access to not only the Internet but also various online services and content.
The project UNCONSPIRED in BELGRADE and L.A. is produced by Cultural center Rex / Fund b92 and supported by the US Embassy in Belgrade