(Kako) Nastaviti bez sebe? / (How to) Continue Without Oneself?

Kulturni centar Rex, Obilićev venac 2 | 5.7.2024. - 30.9.2024.
Kulturni centar Rex
(Kako) Nastaviti bez sebe? //// Konkurs za umetničke i dokumentarne radove organizuje se povodom 30 godina KC Rex a inspirisan je brojnim projektima demokratizacije i decentralizacije umetnosti i kulture koji su u mnogome obeležili postojanje i rad centra. Od učesnika-ca se očekuje da radovima prenesu svoja razmišljanja, iskustva, nedoumice u vezi drastičnih promena sveta koji smo do juče smatrali nepromenljivim, ali i moguća očekivanja, nadanja i strahovanja od epohalnih promena. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (How to) Continue Without Oneself? //// The artwork and documentary contest marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of Cultural Centre Rex is inspired by the numerous projects focusing on democratization and decentralization of art and culture that are largely the hallmarks of the centre’s existence and activities. The participants are expected to submit works reflecting their thoughts, experiences and dilemmas related to the drastic changes happening in the world that, until yesterday, we considered unchangeable. Depictions of the possible expectations, hopes and fears stemming from the monumental changes can also be featured.

Svet ne zna kako da zaustavi ove ratove a ne zna ni kako da ih nastavi…”.

Ova izjava autora jednog od brojnih internet podcasta koji kao da konačno preuzimaju funkcije globalnog informisanja, propagande i indoktrinacije od korporativnih medija, podseća na parafrazu poznate Gramšijeve dijagnoze situacije nakon Prvog svetskog rata: “Stari svet neće da umre a novi ne može da se rodi”.

Stari (poznat i kao “vrli novi”) svet prolazi kroz tešku, iskušavajuću i neizvesnu transformaciju koju kao da niko stvarno ne želi. To je razumljivo, jer lakše je držati se teško stečenih resursa i pozicija unutar aktuelnog globa-lokalnog poretka nego krenuti ka dalekom i nejasnom horizontu suštinske alternative i promene.

Konkurs je prilika da se istraži kako, zašto i da li se uopšte, bilo na individualnim, bilo na makro i mikro kolektivnim nivoima, postavljaju ključna egzistencijalna pitanja, ona stara ili neka nova. Čega se moramo, a ne želimo  ili  možemo, a ne umemo odreći ili osloboditi bilo radi voljnog ili nevoljnog učešća u tekućoj, željenoj ili neželjenoj globalokalnoj transformaciji?

Učesnici/e treba da odgovore na temu radovima u formatima koji se mogu predstaviti publici putem interneta. Nema ograničenja u pogledu formata, trajanja, dimenzija, mada je poželjno da se izađe u susret kapacitetima žirija i publike za pregled većeg broja radova. Preporučljivo je da video i audio radovi traju do nekoliko minuta, a da isto toliko vremena zahtevaju tekstualni, fotografski ili radovi koji podrazumevaju pregled ili interakciju u pretraživačima (veb sajt, blog, forum, reel, itd.).

ROK ZA SLANJE RADOVA JE 15. septembar 2024. godine. Rad ne sme biti javno dostupan pre 24. septembra kada će biti objavljene odluke Rexovog žirija o deset nagrada od po 100 EUR bruto.

Link na kom se rad može pogledati, uz kratko obrazloženje koncepta, treba prijaviti mejlom na adresu rex@fondb92.org

Projekat NASTAVITI BEZ SEBE? realizuje se povodom obeležavanja 30 godina postojanja Kulturnog centra Rex. Kroz reafirmaciju i kritičko preispitivanje uloge, pozicije i budućnosti nezavisne kulturne scene promišljaju  se nove mogućnosti delovanja u drastično transformativnim lokalnim i globalnim okolnostima. Interakcija sa specifičnim nasleđem KC Rex vezanim za angažovanu i kritičku kulturu, treba da doprinese mogućoj obnovi starih kao i iniciranju novih umetničkih ideja i aktivističkih inicijativa. 

Organizacija i produkcija Kulturni centar Rex / Fond B92

Projekat se realizuje uz podršku projekta Hartefakt Fonda „Kultura za demokratiju“ i Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije.


The world doesn’t know how to stop these wars, and it doesn’t know how to continue them either…”.

This statement made by the author of one of the many internet podcasts that seem to be finally taking over the role of global information, propaganda and indoctrination source from corporate media reminds us of a paraphrase of Gramsci’s well-known diagnosis of the situation after World War I: “The old world is refusing to die, and the new world cannot be born”.

The old (also known as “the brave new”) world is undergoing a difficult, challenging and uncertain transformation that nobody really wants. That is understandable, for it is easier to stick to the hard-earned resources and positions within the current globalocal order than head toward the distant and unclear horizon of a substantive alternative and change.

The contest provides an opportunity to explore how, why and indeed whether at all the key existential questions, the old ones or some new owns are being raised either at the individual or macro and micro collective levels. What is it that we have to, but do not want to renounce or that we can but do not know how to relinquish or free ourselves from in order to participate willingly or unwillingly in the ongoing desired or undesired globalocal transformation?

The participants are to respond to the topic with works in the formats that can be shown to the audience on the web. There are no limitations regarding the formats, duration, or dimensions. However, it is advisable to bear in mind the capacity of the jury and the audience to (re)view a large number of submissions.  Video and audio works should preferably not exceed a few minutes in length. The textual, photographic or works requiring the use of or interaction with search engines / browsers (websites, blogs, forums, reels, etc.) should take the same amount of time to consume.

SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: September 15, 2024. The works shall not be publicly available before September 24, 2024 when the decisions of the Rex jury will be announced and ten EUR 100 gross prizes awarded.

The link to the competition entry and a brief rationale is to be submitted by sending an e-mail to rex@fondb92.org.

The Continue Without Oneself project is carried out to mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of Cultural Centre Rex. By reaffirming and performing a critical review of the role, position and the future of the independent cultural scene, new opportunities for taking action in the drastically transformative local and global circumstances are being contemplated. The interaction with the particular legacy of Cultural Centre Rex related to engaged critical culture should contribute to the possible renewal of old and launching new artistic ideas and activist initiatives.

Organized and produced by Cultural Centre Rex/ B92 Fund.

The project is carried out with the support of the Heartefact Foundation project Culture for Democracy and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.