Balkan Clown Workshop Tour - Poziv na klovnovsko pozorišnu radionicu u Beogradu

Cilj radionice je da se fokusira na elemente klovnovskih veština i postavi osnova pozorišne scene. Radiće se na strukturi uključujući akciju, prostor i ritam. Istrživaće se fizički potencijali i razlika između ideje i njenog postavljanja na scenu. Radiće se na konlfiktu i repeticiji, kao i na improvizaciji uključujući objekte, glasove, zvukove i pokrete.
Klovnu treba gutljaj haosa kako bi izrazio svoju nevinost i iskrenost. Predstavi treba struktura. Dajmo haosu strukturu.
Radionica je namenjena svim zainteresovanim za teatarsko, cirkusno, telesno istraživanje i nije neophodno prethodno iskustvo, samo radoznalost. Radionica će biti na engleskom jeziku, te je osnovno poznavanje engleskog poželjno, ali tu smo da pripomognemo ako bude bilo potrebe:)
Potraga za našim unutrašnjim klovnom započinje znatiželjom. Radionice ove vrste nam u tome pomažu, predlažu neke nove puteve i ruše predrasude.
Stefano D'Argenio "Baracca" je klovn, performer, trener i edukator poslednjih 15 godina. Studirao je Circus School Rogelio Rivel i Corporeal Mime school MOVEO (baziranu na mimici Étienne Decroux ). Osnivač je INCA - International Network for Culture and Arts, gde je kao trener održao više od 100 evropskih projekata o pozorištu i klovnovskim veštinama (, Učestvovao je na mnogim pozorišnim i umetničkim festivalima u Italiji, Španiji, Nemačkoj, Francuskoj i Švajcarskoj. Član je LACAM (Umetnički kolektiv u Masnou, Barselona). Režirao je prvu Circ d'Hivern Te Toca sa cirkuski umetnicima na viskom noviu: . Trenutno nastupa u Evropi sa šouom "Tri-Scio", koji je kreirao i realizuje sa Pierluigi Ricciardo iz Italije, kao i sa predstavom "Llueve sobre Mojado" sa Circo Pigro iz Barselone i muzičkom grupom La Fanfarria Contratiempo. Sarađivao je i sa Matisse i Hunter u Italiji, a potom u Španiji sa Avner the Eccentric, Peter Shub, Merche Ochoa, Jango Edwards između ostalih, zajedno sa časovima saksofona, step pleasa, lindi hopa i pozorišta sa Indijskom grupom Milon Mela. Radio je kao klovn u Hospital de Belcolle Viterbo (Italija) u okviru projekta art terapija, i vodio je mnoge radionice klovnovskih veština, pozorišta i street art za pozorišne grupe (kao što su Art i Mania, Teatredro, Rebel Umetnička Centro Universitario Teatral de Roma) ili za one koji su zainteresovani. Ima B.A. u Očuvanju kulturne baštine, specijalizovan za muzeologiju i komunikaciju, ali ga je strast za žongliranjem, muzikom i pozorištem vodila da prati umetnički put. Italijan je, živi u Španiji.
Učešće na radionici iznosi 30 eur. Prijave traju do 23. januara i mesta su ograničena.
U prijavi napišite: ime i prezime, godište, zanimanje (okupaciju, interesovanje), zašto želite prisustvovati radionici (ukratko), email i br. telefona. Prijavu pošaljite na:
Za sve dodatne informacije kontaktirajte:
Jelenu Jezdović -, 0642218387
Slobodno pošaljite poziv svim zainteresovanim!
Više informacija na engleskom jeziku u nastavku.
We invite you to a 2 days clowning workshop within BALKAN CLOWN WORKSHOP TOUR which will be organized in Croatia, Serbia, and Slovania and led by amazing Stefano D'Argenia "Baracca"!
The workshop in Serbia will be held on 25th and 26th January 2016 from 10h to 18h in Cultural centre Rex, Belgarde.
Enter the new year on a clown theatrical manner and do not miss magical world of clowning! :) Be a part of BALKAN CLOWN WORKSHOP TOUR!
The journey to find our inner clown starts from curiosity. A workshop helps to feed it and to propose new elements. And to destroy all prejudgements.
The aim of this workshop is to focus the elements of the clown and put the basis of theatrical scenes. It is about developing the potential of each clown submerging it into different contexts.
We will work on structures in terms of actions, space, rhythm. We will work on pleasure and levels of energies. We will explores our physicals potentials and we will discuss about the difference between an IDEA and his representation. We will work on conflict and repetitions.
We will improvise but we will fix the believable (for a clown) elements as well. We will clean the gestures and we will add fluidity to the expressions. We will try again and again pursuing a clown sensitivity. We will introduce objects, tools, voices, sounds, gestures. It's the moment to look at our abilities from the clowning point of view.
The clown needs a sip of chaos in order to express his innocence and sincerity. The show needs a structure. Let's give a structure to the chaos.
Stefano D'Argenio "Baracca" is a clown, performer, trainer and educator for the last 15 years. He has studied the Circus School Rogelio Rivel and at the Corporeal Mime school MOVEO (based on Étienne Decroux's mime). He is a founder of INCA - International Network for Culture and Arts (, ) where he delivered as trainer more than 100 European projects about theatre and clown. He has participated in many Art Theatre Festivals in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and Switzerland. He is a member of LACAM (Artistic collective in Masnou, Barcelona). He had directed the first Circ d'hivern Te Toca with high level circus artists: Currently he is bringing throughout Europe the show Tri-sció, created and implemented with Pierluigi Ricciardi in Italy, and the show Llueve sobre mojado with the Circo Pigro of Barcelona and with the music group La Fanfarria Contratiempo. He has also studied with Matisse and Hunter in Italy, and then in Spain with Avner the Eccentric, Peter Shub, Merche Ochoa, Jango Edwards among the others, together with lessons of saxophone, of tap dance, lindy hop and theatre with the Indian group Milon Mela. He worked as a clown in the Hospital de Belcolle of Viterbo (Italy) within the project Art Therapy, and had directed many workshops of Clown, Theatre and Street Art, either for theatre groups (such as Art y Manya, Teatredro, Rebel Art, Centro Universitario Teatral de Roma) or just for those who were interested. He holds B.A. in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, specialized in Museology and Communication, but the passion for juggling, music and theatre was pushing him to follow an artistic path. He is Italian, living in Spain.
The participation fee for the workshop is 30 EUR. You can apply until 23rd January, 2016.
You should write in application: name and surname, year of birth, occupation, why you want to participate (shortly), emal and phone number. You should send application to
For all other information please do contact:
Jelena Jezdovic -, 0642218387
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