Kontradikcije Kine / GDE JE BIO ŠTA JE RADIO Hans Georg Moeller

| 19.3.2024. - 19.3.2024.
Gde su bili šta su radili
Govorni programi
Utorak, 19. mart, 19h... Hans Georg Moeller je profesor filozofije na Univerzitetu u Makau, Kina, i voditelj YouTube kanala Carefree Vandering. Piše o savremenoj filozofiji i kineskoj filozofiji. U Kini je proveo više od 10 godina kao student i nastavnik. Ovog semestra je u Beogradu gde će u aprilu održati master klas iz teorije medija na FMK. CONTRADITCTIONS OF CHINA > Where Hans Georg Moeller was and What He Was Doing Hans Georg Moeller is a philosophy professor at the University of Macau, China, and the presenter of the YouTube channel Carefree Wandering. He writes on contemporary philosophy and Chinese philosophy. He spent more than 10 years in China as a student and teacher. This semester, he is based in Belgrade where he will teach a Master Class on Media Theory at the FMK in April. Ilustracija > https://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2138291/china-unveils-bold-overhaul-tighten-communist-party

Na prezentaciji će izneti svoje okvirne utiske o društvenoj i političkoj situaciji u Kini i komentarisati nesporazume iz perspektive zapadnih referentnih okvira. Iako i u Srbiji postoje različiti pogledi na Kinu, zajednička istorija otpora kolonijalnim intervencijama i okupacijama može pružiti određenu orijentaciju u naporima da se kontradiktorne karakteristike savremene Kine sagledaju sa manje nesporazuma.

Prezentacija će biti održana na engleskom jeziku a prilikom diskusije biće obezbeđen prevod.

At the presentation he will give an outline of his impressions on the social and political situation(s) in China and comment on misunderstandings from the perspective of Western frames of reference. While views on China in Serbia also vary, the common history of resistance against colonial interventions and occupations may provide some orientation when struggling with the contradictory characteristics of contemporary China and its misunderstandings.