Budući da je prva republika osnovana od strane robova, pravila nove zemlje nalažu da se državljanstvo dodeljuje samo "crnim ljudima".
Međutim, grupa poljskih vojnika koja je odbila da se bori na strani imperijalističke francuske vojske stekla je poverenje revolucionara, a njihova dela jasno su pokazala da se mogu smatrati sposobnima za patriotizam jednako kao i svaki drugi revolucionar Haitija. Tako je na kraju rešenje problema šta učiniti sa ovim vojnicima bilo jednako elegantno koliko i poučno: zaključeno je da boja kože Poljaka nije odlučujući faktor kada je u pitanju pitanje njihove odanosti i stoga su im dodeljena državljanstva Haitija i dozvoljeno im je da mirno koegzistiraju na ostrvu. Na neki način, biti protiv imperijalizma i boriti se protiv ropstva izjednačeno je sa tim da se bude crn.
Danas, intervencionističke i imperijalističke snage pokazuju kako svaki aspekt revolucionarne borbe i emancipatorskog razmišljanja Haitija može biti izopačen kako bi služio ciljevima potpuno suprotnim pnima za šta se zemlja zalaže. Naime, SAD traže crnokošuljastu policijsku snagu kako bi nametnuli imperijalni poredak u Haitiju. Sve to se radi pod autoritetom neizabrane marionetske vlade, kršeći svaki međunarodni, nacionalni i lokalni kodeks dijaloga, kompromisa i pregovora.
Srećom, usred nemira na lokalu u Haitiju, raste otpor imperijalizmu i neizabranom donošenju odluka. Molimo vas da nam se pridružite na prezentaciji koja će raščlaniti problematično okviravanje onoga što se danas dešava u Haitiju. Istražićemo savremeni trenutak kroz refleksiju Haitijevih specifičnih istorijskih pretpostavki i konteksta u odnosu na trenutnu situaciju, razmotriti specifičnosti strukturnih problema opozicije i otpora.
Being the first republic established by slaves, the rules of the new country dictated that citizenship was to be bestowed only to "Black people". But, the group of Polish soldiers that refused to fight on the side of the imperialist French Army had earned the trust of the revolution and their actions clearly showed that they could be considered capable of patriotism just as much as any other Haitian revolutionary. So, in the end, the solution to the problem of what to do with these soldiers was as elegant as it was instructive: it was concluded that the skin color of the Poles was not a decisive factor when it came to the question of their allegiance and therefore they were granted Haitian citizenship and allowed to coexist peacefully on the island. In a sense, being anti-imperial and fighting against slavery was equated with being Black.
Fast forwarding to the present day, interventionist and imperialist forces are showing how every aspect of the revolutionary struggle and emancipatory thinking of Haiti can be perverted to serve a cause totally opposite the country's founding purpose. Namely, the USA is seeking a proxy black-skinned police force to impose imperial order in Haiti. All of this is being done under the authority of an un-elected puppet government, hence breaching any international, national and local codex of dialogue, compromise, and negotiations.
Luckily, in the midst of the turmoil on the ground in Haiti there is a growing resistance to Imperialism and un-elected decision making (see
Please join us for a presentation that will unpack the problematic framing of what is happening in Haiti today. We will explore the contemporary moment through a reflection of Haiti's specific historical preconditions and contexts vis-a-vis the current situation, examine the coordinates of structural problems of opposition and resistance to imperialist agendas and policies, and pay special attention to where most capitalist peripheries (including Serbia), might find important things to reflect upon and lessons to learn.
Jacques Laroche (b. 1980) is a political activist, technologist, writer and educator who holds a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Minor in English.
In New York, NY he was involved in the Occupy movement and worked with the activist collective Strike Debt to struggle against, educate about and abolish unjust debts. Later, in Miami, FL he worked with various local organizations, grass-roots initiatives and activists at the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement.
In addition to activism, Jacques uses his technological and philosophical training to explore the intersection of science, politics and society. He has written on, been interviewed about and discussed these topics in various forums and publications around the world.
Prezentacija i razgovor će biti održani na engleskom jeziku uz mogućnost neformalne pomoći u prevodu.
Ilustracija: Attack and take of the Crête-à-Pierrot (March 24, 1802) by Auguste Raffet
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