NEZAVERENI u L.A. i BG / dekonstrukcija teorija zavere i lažnih vesti

Cilj projekta je detekcija i dekonstrukcija mehanizama teorija zavere i lažnih vesti kroz ponudu angažovanim novinarima i novinarkama, aktivistima i aktivistkinjama, umetnicama i umetnicima da stiču i dele saznanja i iskustva stečena u kulturnim i političkim kontekstima Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Srbije. Predavanja, radionice, javne debate i drugi susreti i događaji tokom boravka učesnica i učesnika projekta iz SAD, okupiće aktere i publiku iz Srbije koji su iz različitih aktivističkih ili profesionalnih razloga zainteresovani za date fenomene. Zajednička svrha svih aktivnosti je analiza izvora, mehanizama funkcionisanja, širenja i opstajanja u javnosti, dugoročnih ili kratkoročnih efekata i uticaja teorija zavere i dezinformacionih kampanja. Učesnici će predstavljati, razvijati i deliti različite uvida i pristupe dekonstrukciji ovih fenomena, sa posebnim fokusom na karakteristične preduslove njihovog pojavljivanja i opstajanja u određenim političkim u kulturnim okolnostima.
Projektni rezultati će u toku trajanja projekta biti afirmisani i deljeni kroz oglašavanje svake pojedinačne aktivnosti a po završetku sumirani u publikaciji koja će biti dostupna na internetu i koja će dokumentovati radni proces i ponuditi nalaze i dostignuća projekta širokom krugu profesionalaca, medija i opšte publike.
Projekat kroz bavljenje ovim fenomenima kritički istražuje i objašnjava rastuće nepoverenje u bazična dostignuća i temelje nauke, kulture, medija i tehnologije. Aktivnosti projekta teže unapređenju kulturnih i političkih interesovanja i znanja najšire publike, kao preduslova kritičkog posmatranja i razumevanja mehanizama takvih fenomena političkog života u različitim globalnim i lokalnim kontekstima
Projekat se realizuje uz pomoć ambasade SAD
Ilustracija: preuzeto sa
Deconstructing conspiracy theories and fake news / NEZAVERENI u BG i L.A.
During this year, Cultural center Rex with the help of guests from U.S. and number of consultants from U.S. and Serbia will explore the phenomenon of conspiracy theories and fake news from different points of view and in different professional and activist fields.
The project objective is to detect and deconstruct mechanisms of “conspiracy theories” and “fake news”, and provide time and space for engaged journalist, activist and artist to acquire and share knowledge and experience related to such topics in two different political and cultural contexts (USA and Serbia). Lectures, workshops, public debate and other encounters and events during residencies of project participants from U.S. will gather actors and audience from Serbia interested in or professionally concerned with the given phenomena. The common goal of all activities is collaborative analyses of origins, mechanisms and impacts of conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns. Participants present and share variety of insights and approaches to deconstruction of their influence, with a special focus on their conditions in respective political and cultural spheres. The project results will be disseminated through promotion of each activity and summed up in a publication that will be made available online to both document the process and offer the findings and lessons learned to wide circle of professionals, media outlets and general audience.
The project critically explores and creatively explains proliferating distrust in basic achievements or foundations of science, culture, media and technology. It shares and upgrades cultural and political knowledge of understanding, monitoring and resisting the mechanisms of such phenomena in the frame of modern politics in different global and local contexts.
Serbian title makes reference to the “not conspired” participants engaged in project implementation in Serbia and USA (represented symbolically by Belgrade and Los Angeles)
Project is organized with support of Embassy of United States of America in Belgrade.