Ring Ring - Koncert Badrutt Belorukov Kocher
Kulturni centar REx |
7.6.2023. - 7.6.2023.

Ring ring
Kulturni centar Rex
Elektro akustična kamerna muzika svetske klase napravljena od ogromnih dinamičkih kontrasta koji se razvijaju od prefinjenih vibrirajućih zvučnih pejzaža do eruptivnih napada. Muziku trija karakteriše snažan osećaj za duge improvizacije.
Trio je nastupao od 2014. godine u Rusiji, Sibiru, Francuskoj i Švajcarskoj.
World-class electro acoustic chamber music made of huge dynamic contrasts evolving from refined vibrating soundscapes to eruptive attacks. The music of the trio is characterised by a strong feeling for long improvisational developments.
The trio performed since 2014 in Russia, Siberia, France and Switzerland.
Harmonikaš Jonas Kocher je već dobro poznat domaćoj publici i nastupao je tri puta na Ring Ring festivalu. Njegov kolega i prijatelj Gaudenz Badrutt je s njim nastupao u triju sa Hansom Kohom pre 4 godine, a Ilia Belorukov, koji živi u Srbiji već godinu dana je pripadnik mlade, nadolazeće generacije improvizatora.
Sva trojica su nedavno imali evropsku turneju u okviru sastava Šalter Ensemble. ULAZNICE se mogu kupiti na ulazuu po ceni od 400 dinara.
Jonas Kocher is well known as regular guest on stages in Serbia for more then 17 years. He played 3 times at Ring Ring festival and his colegue and friedn Gaudenz Badrutt performed with Jonas and Hans Koch 4 years ago. Ilia Belorukov, now living in Serbia for a year is part of the new generation of improvisers.
All three of them has been on European tour as part of Šalter Ensemble.
TICKETS are available at the entrance and the price is 400 RSD.
All three of them has been on European tour as part of Šalter Ensemble.
TICKETS are available at the entrance and the price is 400 RSD.