Sašaptavanje i jednodisanje: pletenje zavera, priča i demokratije

Razgovor se u skladu sa epidemiološkim merama odvija u prostorijama KC Rex a istovremeno i na Zoom platformi putem sledećeg linka
Spisateljica i kreatorka “zinova”*, specifičnih samizdat formata, Bronvin Moldin (Bronwyn Mauldin) je autorka “Serije demokratija” (The Democracy Series), kolekcije ručno rađenih publikacija koje istražuju značenje i praksu demokratije u savremenom američkom životu. Bronvin će u razgovoru predstaviti svoje umetničko bavljenje demokratijom, od prvog romana “Ljubavne pesme revolucije” (Love Songs of the Revolution), preko kreriranja serije samizdata/zinova, do rada sa aktivističkom grupom Umetnici za demokratiju (Artists 4 Democracy), i konačno do pokretanja Instituta za analizu teorije zavere sa Melisom Vol (Mellisa Wall; Institute for Conspiracy Theory Analysis). Takođe će predstaviti neke od društveno angažovanih umetničkih intervencija koje se trenutno razvijaju u Institutu za analizu teorije zavere.
Kratku prozu Bronvin objavili su Akashic Books, CutBank, Literature for Life, Coffin Factori, Gold Man Review, Tusculum Review i dadaistička antologija Maintenant. Njena poezija je objavljena u Watchung Review, The Typescript i Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California. Bila je spisateljica u rezidenciji u Nacionalnom parku Mesa Verde u Koloradu i Nacionalnom parku Denali na Aljasci.
Pročitajte intervjue sa Bronvin o njenim samizdatima/zinovima u Javnoj biblioteci Los Anđelesa (Los Angeles Public Library) i časopisu Broken Pencil ili poslušajte intervju na podkastu Hyde or Practise. Možete ih naći na sledećim linkovima:
Razgovor će moderirati Nađa Bobičić iz "Pobunjenih čitateljki" a specijalne gošće na prezentaciji biće Ana Adamović i Milica Pekić iz NVO Kiosk, autorke projekta "Izvođenje demokratije".
*Zine (eng) kao skraćenica od magazine, slično samizdat publikacijama, prave se i distribuiraju nezavisno, obično od strane pojedinaca ili malih kolektiva. Često pokrivaju društvene ili političke teme i perspektive koje ne pokrivaju izdavači mejnstrim časopisa,
NAPOMENA u vezi naslova: CON-SPIRE, izvorno značenje na latinskom je "disati zajedno"; SPIRE, osim “disati” može da znači i "šaputati"
Projekat “NEZAVERENI u BG i LA – Dekonstrukcija teorija zavere i lažnih vesti“, realizuje se u Kulturnom centru Rex / Fondu b92 uz podršku Ambasade SAD u Beogradu
Whispering & Co-breathing: Plotting Conspiracies, Stories, and Democracy
Artist talk with Bronwyn Mauldin
Monday, November 15th, 7pm CET
Cultural center Rex, Maksima Gorkog 17a, Belgrade (and/or via Zoom link
Writer and zine maker Bronwyn Mauldin is creator of The Democracy Series, a collection of handmade publications that explore the meaning and practice of democracy in contemporary American life. In Mauldin's artist talk, she will trace her artistic engagement with democracy from her first novel, Love Songs of the Revolution, to creation of her zine series, to her work with activist group Artists 4 Democracy, to the launch of the Institute for Conspiracy Theory Analysis with Dr. Melissa Wall. She will also preview some of the social practice art interventions currently being developed by ICTA.
Bronwyn’s short fiction has been published by Akashic Books, CutBank, Literature for Life, Coffin Factory, Gold Man Review, Tusculum Review, and the dada anthology Maintenant. Her poetry has appeared in Watchung Review, The Typescript, and Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California. She has been a writer in residence at Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado and Denali National Park in Alaska. Read interviews with Bronwyn about her zines at the Los Angeles Public Library and Broken Pencil magazine, or listen to an interview on the Hyde or Practise podcast.
Talk will be moderated by Nađa Bobičić, a literary critic and leftist-feminist activist; Special guests at the event will be Ana Adamović and Milica Pekić from NGO Kiosk, authors of the project "Performing democracy"
NOTE: “… there is the etymology of “conspiracy” where “to conspire” is derived from the Latin roots con (with) and spirare (to breathe)—“to breathe together.” The latter phrase, as philosopher David Coady insightfully notes, implies whispering and thus, the act of “breathing together” becomes a coordinated effort of plotting for some particular purpose (Coady, 2006: 1)...” (cited from NARRATIVE CONSPIRACY THEORIZING, FLUIDITY OF TRUTH, AND SOCIAL MEDIA STORYTELLING IN THE POSTTRUTH AGE, by Sorokin Siim).
The project UNCONSPIRED in BELGRADE and L.A. is produced by Cultural center Rex / Fund b92 and supported by the US Embassy in Belgrade