14. Nov 2022.
House Progressives Float Diplomatic Path Toward Ending War in Ukraine, Get Annihilated, Quickly “Clarify”
“Let me be clear: We are united as Democrats in our unequivocal commitment to supporting Ukraine in their fight for their democracy,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal clarified.Read more -
The war in Ukraine provided a pretext for tight government control over this weekend’s local elections in Russia. Yet with the situation clearly worsening, the vote has given rise to signs of popular dissent.Read more
7. Nov 2022.
Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 1: Ukrainian Questions Posed by Russian Invasion
Class 1 is an introduction to the course and an exploration of questions raised by the Russian invasion of Ukraine ~~~ Timothy Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He speaks five and reads ten European languages.Read more -
7. Nov 2022.
Tinder & pigeons: creative anti-war protest amidst the suppression of dissent in Russia.
Public protest has always been a risky affair in Russia, but it has become even riskier as of late. As anti-war demonstrations swept the country earlier this year, the repressive state apparatus intensified, and the protest has been cast underground. Nevertheless, the most committed activists have remained defiant in the face of suppression, coming up with creative new ways to spread their anti-war message to the masses.Read more -
The first season of The Wire began 20 years ago this month. It remains one of this century's great television shows — both stylish and smart, with unforgettable characters woven into a striking portrait of the depredations of capitalism in one US city.Read more
Rulers divide the world into 'worthy' and 'unworthy' victims; those we are allowed to pity, such as Ukrainians enduring the hell of modern warfare, and those whose suffering is minimized, dismissed, or ignored. This bifurcation of the world into worthy and unworthy victims is a key component of propaganda, especially in war. In this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, award-winning journalist Peter Oborne joins Chris Hedges to examine how worthy victims are used to allow citizens to see themselves as empathetic, compassionate, and just; how they are an effective tool to demonize the aggressor; and how they are used to obliterate nuance and ambiguity.Read more
Maria Prymachenko created seemingly happy scenes of rural life. But look closer and you see the terror unleashed on her country by Stalin. Now her work has once again become a national symbol, duplicated at rallies worldwideRead more
31. Oct 2022.
Branka Prpa: Ukrajina žrtva proksi rata SAD i Evrope
Istoričarka Branka Prpa je, gostujući u emisiji N1 Newsnight, izjavila da je rat u Ukrajini tek sada počeo i da najava delimične mobilizacije u Rusiji znači da će se "znatno proširiti". Naglašava i da je "proksi rat" koji vode Amerika i Evropa preko Ukrajinaca "nešto najbesramnije u evropskoj istoriji". A na pitanje gde je u svemu tom Srbija, kaže: "Srbija je u slepom sokačetu, čeka šta će se dogoditi u budućnosti".Read more