
  • In a video posted to YouTube this week, the head of Moscow’s department of culture, Aleksandr Kibovsky, declared that a recent decree signed by Vladimir Putin “to strengthen Russian traditional, spiritual and moral values” gives Russian authorities the green light to cleanse the country’s cultural scene from all “Western influence.”
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  • Fascism and Nazism were militarily defeated in World War II, a goal achieved through the broad alliance of political and social forces. The defeat of those political options and the weakening of economic and financial powers that supported them allowed for a redefinition of power relations between social classes, particularly between the owners and managers of capital on one side and the working classes on the other. It opened new possibilities, including the empowerment of the working classes that led to the establishment of welfare states and to the reduction of inequalities.
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  • Nedavno je trideset članova progresivne grupacije (caucus) demokrata uputilo pismo-poziv Bajdenu da uđe u pregovore sa Putinom u vezi sa ratom u Ukrajini. Bili su primorani da povuku predlog zbog pritiska od strane vrha svoje stranke i ratnohuškačkih medija. Kako većina republikanaca inače podržava ovaj rat, a Demokratska partija je povlačenjem zahteva Bajdenu postavila rekord u servilnosti i očuvanju statusa quo, Amerika sada ima Kongres koji je u celini opredeljen za rat u Ukrajini. Nedavno usvojeni vojni budžet za fiskalnu 2023. godinu iznosi 858 milijardi dolara, što je 80 milijardi više nego za 2022. Nema tog naoružanja koje se ne može kupiti iz budžeta, nema tog rata koji neće biti finansiran. Zašto su danas antiratne demokrate vrsta u izumiranju? Šta se desilo sa Demokratskom partijom? Zašto se ratovi više ne dovode u pitanje? Zašto je takvo preispitivanje ravno političkom samoubistvu? O tome govori Denis Kusinič (Dennis Kucinich), demokrata koji je služio osam mandata u Predstavničkom domu i bio predsednički kandidat, dok ga njegova partija nije potisnula izbornom manipulacijom. Denis Kusinič je znao koliko je važno odupreti se politici rata i bio svestan cene tog čina. // There was once a wing of the Democratic Party that stood up to the war industry. J. William Fulbright, George McGovern, Gene McCarthy, Mike Gravel, William Proxmire, and, of course, Dennis Kucinich. But that was largely decades ago. The new Democrats, especially with the presidency of Bill Clinton, became shills not only for corporate America, but the arms industry. The massive military budget, $858 billion in military spending allocated for fiscal year 2023, is an increase of $45 billion over the Biden administration's budget request, and nearly $80 billion more than the amount appropriated by Congress for the current fiscal year. What happened to the Democratic Party? Why has it become impossible to question war and the massive expenditures on arms? Why is such questioning political suicide? Why can't a Democrat ask, especially at a time of economic hardship and huge deficits, how much we are going to divert to the war in Ukraine, which has already consumed some $60 billion? Former presidential candidate and eight-term Congressperson Dennis Kucinich joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the past half century of the Democrats, and how the war machine conquered the party.
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  • "Šta se dešava kada u zemlji ne postoji mesto sećanja, skulptura, natpis, ploča, spomenik ili bilo kakvo umetničko rešenje koje svedoči o zločinu? Za pamćenje genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici nema mesta u srpskoj javnosti – nema ga u fizičkom prostoru, nema ga u zvaničnom kalendaru važnih datuma, nema ga u obrazovanju...
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  • The growing disconnect between the capitalist system and the economic realities plaguing the United States is now nearing completion. On the ground, the accumulated problems of U.S. capitalism undermine its empire and challenge its very future. Meanwhile, the ever-deepening inequalities of wealth and income conjure up images of ancient Egypt’s pharaohs.
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  • Russia’s invasion is a war crime, Chomsky says, but the U.S. shouldn’t escalate this conflict between nuclear powers.
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  • I napokon iz rasprave o fašizmu eliminirati njegovu navodnu anti-civilizacijsku karakteristiku. Jer se jedino i danas tako možemo boriti protiv njegovih inačica ili njime inspiriranih politika. Društvena cijena pojednostavljenih parola je previsoka.
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  • Rampant militarism in the wake of 9/11 did not tolerate dissent. A similar jingoistic fervor today insists that criticism of Western foreign policy and calls for diplomacy are tantamount to treason.
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  • Roger Waters, the British rock legend and co-founder of Pink Floyd, is in the midst of his “This Is Not A Drill” tour. He joins Chris Hedges to discuss his music, life, and how his politics have guided him through it all.
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  • For comedy screenwriter Sergiy Kulybyshev, making films in a time of war is critical to defending his country’s cultural identity.
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