
  • Do 26. marta 1999. godine, 37-godišnja Shyhrete Berisha je sa suprugom i četvoro dece (uzrasta od 2 do 16 godina) živela u Suvoj Reci. Ona je jedna od 3 osobe koje su preživele masakr više od 40 članova porodice Berisha, među kojima su njen muž i sva deca.
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  • Our guest this week is US independent presidential candidate Cornel West, and we ask him why he called Joe Biden a “war criminal”. He also explains why he feels Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a “gangster”, why Biden’s Gaza policy makes him a “hypocrite” and how Arab-American voters will turn their backs on him.
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  • Radnici i radnice iz Indije koji rade za China Energy Engineering Corporation, mesecima žive neuslovno, a zarade im nisu isplaćivane. Dok radnici svedoče protiv kompanije, DC Oktobar i Zrenjaninski socijalni forum pozivaju građane da pomognu u prikupljaju hrane za njih.
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  • The International Court of Justice has just issued preliminary measures against Israel for the crime of genocide in Gaza. The ruling follows weeks of anticipation and months of international outcry for Israel to face accountability from the UN. While much remains undetermined, this is a critical development in a time when the integrity of international institutions has been thrown into crisis by their ineffectiveness in the face of Israel's slaughter. Former director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Craig Mokhiber, who resigned from his position last fall in protest of what he called the UN's "failure" to protect Palestinians, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a discussion on the weaknesses of the UN in the face of US and Israeli impunity.
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  • What does a progressive foreign policy look like today? How should we understand imperialism? What is at stake in reclaiming an internationalist political horizon for the left? What forms of organization are best adapted for a new international? Given the many contemporary global challenges—such as climate change, far-right extremism, pandemics, and the increasing threat of nuclear war—it is urgent to develop a strategic, organizational, and theoretical perspective for the international left. Paweł Wargan discusses these and other questions in the interview that follows. Researcher, activist, and coordinator of the secretariat of the Progressive International, Wargan is well suited to highlight the prospects for a new internationalism today. The interview is conducted by Daniel Benson, assistant professor of French and Global Studies at St. Francis College and the editor of Domination and Emancipation: Remaking Critique (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2021).
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  • 23. Jan 2024.

    What Is to Be Done?

    By Richard Wolff In 1863, the Russian social critic, Nikolay Chernyshevsky, published a novel entitled “What Is to Be Done?” Its story revolves around a central heroine, Vera Pavlovna, and her four dreams. It brilliantly intertwines her personal life and the social turmoil of Russia’s transition at the time from feudalism to capitalism. Chernyshevsky, a revolutionary imprisoned by the Czarist government, wrote a novel that was nothing less than a pioneering work of socialist feminism. In it, he also passionately appealed for an urban, industrial economy based on worker cooperatives, a modern and transformed version of Russia’s earlier agrarian communes. An appreciative Lenin entitled one of his most important political pamphlets, published in 1902, “What Is to Be Done?”
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  • ... S obzirom na to da organizacija koja je proglašena zabranjenom ne postoji i da sam tekst sudskog rešenja nije poznat, nije moguće ni pretpostaviti šta će se smatrati krivičnim delom: u praksi će to odlučivati policija i sud. Takav nejasno definisan pojam ekstremističke organizacije primorava ljude da pribegavaju samocenzuri i dovodi ih u stanje konstantnog straha jer ne znaju da li bi bilo koji od njihovih postupka mogao biti smatran ekstremističkim...
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  • Mainstream media and politicians are decrying a surge in antisemitic incidents in Europe, as Israel continues its indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians in retaliation for the Hamas attack of October 7. But these pronouncements have also sparked accusations of Islamophobia. Some politicians and commentators have implied that antisemitism is intrinsic to Muslim communities. Meanwhile, European leaders and institutions are intensifying their crackdown on public solidarity with the Palestinian cause, banning protests, cancelling events, and creating a climate that challenges Europe’s commitment to free speech. What’s the reality behind these disturbing dynamics? What repercussions might there be for the wider Middle Eastern context? And, of course, what can we all do about it?
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  • 23. Nov 2023.

    Prečnik bombe

    Mnogo manje bola ti zadaje kada pišeš onako kako moraš. Unutrašnje mučenje se povećava kada odlučiš da zaćutiš, uprkos porivu da kažeš nešto bitno, ali i kada pokušaš da napišeš nešto tuđom rukom i pameću.
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