2. Dec 2020.



Info Park
Within #16DaysofActivism against gender based violence, yesterday the world marked International Day of Women Human Rights Defenders, highlighting that, although rendered invisible, women are often on the frontlines of fight for a world in which all of us can safely enjoy our human rights.
In Serbia, within humanitarian response to refugees and migrants, women make up the majority of frontline workers providing direct services in the field, as representatives of government insititutions, civil society organisations, interpreters, volonteers, social workers, psychologists, journalists...
Through some of our strongest impressions from the field, Info Park team invites you to learn how it looks like to be a humanitarian worker in Serbia and to learn about some of women and girls’ stories that are particularly memorable for us.
Info Park’s program of gender based violence prevention and protection of refugee and migrant women and girls is supported by
and EU Health.
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20.1.2025. - 31.1.2025.

Saopštenje povodom poziva studenata fakulteta Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu

Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije pridružuje se pozivu studenata fakulteta Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, koji su pozvali sve umetnike i zaposlene u kulturi u Srbiji na obustavu rada u “borbi za pravdu, sigurnost i slobodu”. / / / / / Obustavljamo sve javne programe u narednom periodu i pozivamo umetnice i umetnike na aktivnu borbu i protestne akcije koje mogu doprineti ostvarivanju zahteva studenata i opštim promenama u društvu.
ON-LINE 31.12.2024. - 31.12.2024.


Jedna umetnička potraga za odgovorom na pitanje "Kako rex postoji?"
ON-LINE 23.12.2024. - 25.12.2025.

Упутство за настављање без себе „просипајући биографију (и будућност) судбини из канти.“

Како наставити без себе??? Ово су зидне новине КЦ Рекс за тренутак Каироса, тренутак смене епохе. Да би знали шта је све потребно променити да би смена успела, консултовали смо искусне стручњаке и активисте...