9. Mar 2023.
Gašpar Mikloš Tamaš (1948-2023)
U Budimpešti je 16. januara, u 74 godini preminuo filozof Gašpar Mikloš Tamaš koga smo imali prilike da ugostimo u našem centru.Read more -
31. Jan 2023.
Zaduži pa vladaj
Možemo li Rusiju danas okarakterizirati kao imperijalističku zemlju, a rat u Ukrajini kao međuimperijalističku borbu Rusije i SAD-a? O tome kako imperijalističke sile sistemski blokiraju procese autonomne akumulacije kapitala perifernih zemalja i postoje li uvjeti za novi val protuimperijalizma za Novosti govore Marko Kržan i Rade PantićRead more -
23. Dec 2022.
The Predictable Resurgence of Fascism and Nazism On Both Sides of the North Atlantic and Its Consequences
Fascism and Nazism were militarily defeated in World War II, a goal achieved through the broad alliance of political and social forces. The defeat of those political options and the weakening of economic and financial powers that supported them allowed for a redefinition of power relations between social classes, particularly between the owners and managers of capital on one side and the working classes on the other. It opened new possibilities, including the empowerment of the working classes that led to the establishment of welfare states and to the reduction of inequalities.Read more -
"Šta se dešava kada u zemlji ne postoji mesto sećanja, skulptura, natpis, ploča, spomenik ili bilo kakvo umetničko rešenje koje svedoči o zločinu? Za pamćenje genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici nema mesta u srpskoj javnosti – nema ga u fizičkom prostoru, nema ga u zvaničnom kalendaru važnih datuma, nema ga u obrazovanju...Read more
Russia’s invasion is a war crime, Chomsky says, but the U.S. shouldn’t escalate this conflict between nuclear powers.Read more
29. Nov 2022.
The Chris Hedges Report: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters on Ukraine, Palestine, music & more
Roger Waters, the British rock legend and co-founder of Pink Floyd, is in the midst of his “This Is Not A Drill” tour. He joins Chris Hedges to discuss his music, life, and how his politics have guided him through it all.Read more -
14. Nov 2022.
House Progressives Float Diplomatic Path Toward Ending War in Ukraine, Get Annihilated, Quickly “Clarify”
“Let me be clear: We are united as Democrats in our unequivocal commitment to supporting Ukraine in their fight for their democracy,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal clarified.Read more -
7. Nov 2022.
Tinder & pigeons: creative anti-war protest amidst the suppression of dissent in Russia.
Public protest has always been a risky affair in Russia, but it has become even riskier as of late. As anti-war demonstrations swept the country earlier this year, the repressive state apparatus intensified, and the protest has been cast underground. Nevertheless, the most committed activists have remained defiant in the face of suppression, coming up with creative new ways to spread their anti-war message to the masses.Read more -
31. Oct 2022.
Branka Prpa: Ukrajina žrtva proksi rata SAD i Evrope
Istoričarka Branka Prpa je, gostujući u emisiji N1 Newsnight, izjavila da je rat u Ukrajini tek sada počeo i da najava delimične mobilizacije u Rusiji znači da će se "znatno proširiti". Naglašava i da je "proksi rat" koji vode Amerika i Evropa preko Ukrajinaca "nešto najbesramnije u evropskoj istoriji". A na pitanje gde je u svemu tom Srbija, kaže: "Srbija je u slepom sokačetu, čeka šta će se dogoditi u budućnosti".Read more