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  • Nedavno je trideset članova progresivne grupacije (caucus) demokrata uputilo pismo-poziv Bajdenu da uđe u pregovore sa Putinom u vezi sa ratom u Ukrajini. Bili su primorani da povuku predlog zbog pritiska od strane vrha svoje stranke i ratnohuškačkih medija. Kako većina republikanaca inače podržava ovaj rat, a Demokratska partija je povlačenjem zahteva Bajdenu postavila rekord u servilnosti i očuvanju statusa quo, Amerika sada ima Kongres koji je u celini opredeljen za rat u Ukrajini. Nedavno usvojeni vojni budžet za fiskalnu 2023. godinu iznosi 858 milijardi dolara, što je 80 milijardi više nego za 2022. Nema tog naoružanja koje se ne može kupiti iz budžeta, nema tog rata koji neće biti finansiran. Zašto su danas antiratne demokrate vrsta u izumiranju? Šta se desilo sa Demokratskom partijom? Zašto se ratovi više ne dovode u pitanje? Zašto je takvo preispitivanje ravno političkom samoubistvu? O tome govori Denis Kusinič (Dennis Kucinich), demokrata koji je služio osam mandata u Predstavničkom domu i bio predsednički kandidat, dok ga njegova partija nije potisnula izbornom manipulacijom. Denis Kusinič je znao koliko je važno odupreti se politici rata i bio svestan cene tog čina. // There was once a wing of the Democratic Party that stood up to the war industry. J. William Fulbright, George McGovern, Gene McCarthy, Mike Gravel, William Proxmire, and, of course, Dennis Kucinich. But that was largely decades ago. The new Democrats, especially with the presidency of Bill Clinton, became shills not only for corporate America, but the arms industry. The massive military budget, $858 billion in military spending allocated for fiscal year 2023, is an increase of $45 billion over the Biden administration's budget request, and nearly $80 billion more than the amount appropriated by Congress for the current fiscal year. What happened to the Democratic Party? Why has it become impossible to question war and the massive expenditures on arms? Why is such questioning political suicide? Why can't a Democrat ask, especially at a time of economic hardship and huge deficits, how much we are going to divert to the war in Ukraine, which has already consumed some $60 billion? Former presidential candidate and eight-term Congressperson Dennis Kucinich joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the past half century of the Democrats, and how the war machine conquered the party.
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  • I napokon iz rasprave o fašizmu eliminirati njegovu navodnu anti-civilizacijsku karakteristiku. Jer se jedino i danas tako možemo boriti protiv njegovih inačica ili njime inspiriranih politika. Društvena cijena pojednostavljenih parola je previsoka.
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  • Rampant militarism in the wake of 9/11 did not tolerate dissent. A similar jingoistic fervor today insists that criticism of Western foreign policy and calls for diplomacy are tantamount to treason.
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  • [S12 E42] Ana Kasparian on Today's US Crisis In this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses US sanctions against Chinese semiconductor chip makers, OPEC+ cuts oil production by 2 million barrels per day boosting inflation, desperate UK conservatives abandon Brexit scapegoat to cozy up to Europe, and what US might do to solve "labor shortages." In the second half of the show, Wolff is joined by Ana Kasparian, host of “The Young Turks,” to talk about the media and today's US crisis.
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  • Class 1 is an introduction to the course and an exploration of questions raised by the Russian invasion of Ukraine ~~~ Timothy Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He speaks five and reads ten European languages.
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  • Excerpts from an interview with Michael Smerconish of CNN news
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  • Wars are not light topics that can be dispensed of with simple formulas. I, for one, cannot imagine how the success of Russia would further the cause of democracy and socialism around the world. If you do, then say so, openly, so it can be debated in public. But don’t falsify tradition and history and hide behind pathetic slogans. To paraphrase Marx, we Marxists disdain to conceal our views and aims.
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  • UnCommon Core: The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis
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  • Seminar teži da inicira i omogući što širu i kompleksniju diskusiju o radikalnim nacionalizmima u Ukrajini, njihovoj dominantnoj političkoj funkciji i njihovim manifestnim oblicima. U većem delu evropskog kao i lokalnog javnog mnenja ova pitanja su najčešće tumačena "tradicionalnim" specifičnostima rusko-ukrajinskih odnosa, gde se često gube iz vida neki bitni a danas moguće i odlučujući istorijski, ekonomski i politički konteksti desnih političkih ekstremizama bilo u Ukrajini bilo u drugim zemljama Istočne Evrope.
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  • Featuring live audience Q&A, Abby Martin and Brian Becker discuss the Ukraine war and what it means for the anti-war movement.
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