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19. Sep 2023.
Smenjena tužiteljka Savović: Osumnjičeni za zloupotrebe u EPS-u pušteni iz pritvora tiho i nečujno
Savović je premeštena protiv svoje volje nakon što je naredila hapšenje šest lica osumnjičenih za to da su oštetili Elektroprivredu Srbije za 7,5 miliona dolara tokom izvođenja radova na termoelektrani Kostolac B.Read more -
26. Aug 2023.
Boris Kagarlitsky, an internationally renowned scholar and political activist, was arrested on July 25 by the Russian Federal Security Service. Despite his lifelong anti-terrorism stance, he is accused of “justifying terrorism” based on a blog post about the Russia-Ukraine war. He is being held until September 24 and may face a seven-year prison term upon trial. An international campaign is demanding his release from prison and rallying to support the Russian movement against the Ukraine war.Read more -
Dana 18.07.2023. godine od strane nadležnih službi koje su postupale u spisima predmeta Višeg suda u Vranju Kž, koji je formiran po izjavljenim žalbama, primećeno je da nedostaje predmet Osnovnog suda u Vranju more
Rušenje bivšeg koncentracionog logora Staro Sajmište praćeno je fabrikovanjem istorije koja ometa istinsko sećanje i odavanje počasti žrtvama.Read more
7. Jun 2023.
Ivan Janković: Momci
U pronicljivom tekstu “Momak u penziji” (Vreme, br. 1611) Teofil Pančić je duhovito i tačno pokazao ko se i šta krije iza naziva “momci”, koji ovdašnji mediji koriste kao stajaći atribut za pripadnike desničarskih grupa kada ove javno izvode svoje “akcije”, po pravilu skopčane s nasiljem ili bar pretnjom da će sila biti primenjena.Read more -
Anthony Bourdain: “ Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”Read more
26. May 2023.
75 Years of Nakba: The Catastrophe Is Ongoing
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, or “catastrophe” in Arabic. Yet the displacement and dispossession of Palestinian people from their homeland began even before the creation of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948, and continues to this day.Read more -
Buzov, oficir JNA u penziji, jedini od svih putnika pokušao je da spreči izvođenje 20 Bošnjaka iz voza 27. februara 1993. godine u mestu Štrpce kod Višegrada. Zato je i ubijen, kao i oni. Pre mesec dana neko jer skinuo spomen ploču podignutu u znak zahvalnosti njegovom herojskom deluRead more
22. Feb 2023.
Anne Applebaum on Ukraine: One Year into the War
One year into the war, where do things stand in Ukraine? more -
Ursula K. Le Guin tended the embers of revolt in a new age of imperialism and counterrevolution. She tasked us with stoking them into a blaze.Read more